Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chapter Five: Happy Birthdays

Milan was improving his mixology skills and spent a lot of time serving the similar-facial-hair-crowd. 

Carly was successfully balancing being a wife, mother, and full-time artist. 

Romeo had grown up, and was improving his skills. 

Milan also found himself growing...around the waist line. 

The family managed to get together for dinner on most nights.

 Although Carly liked to sneak a drink (or two) into the bathroom. Multitasking at its finest!

As part of her ambition, she also had to constantly schedule in dates with her husband. 

Though they really had no problem keeping the passion alive. 

The Carlsons also had their first birthday party. 

Carly was now officially an adult. 

Then Milan was an elder. 

And Juliet was a teen. 

Juliet started her teenage years off with a bang and let her long-time friend Sawyer know that she had a crush on him.

Like most teen interactions, it ended quite awkwardly.



My picture taking skills in TS4 are marginally improving. Changing the option back to TS3 camera angles helped SOOOO much.

I do have to say the weight gain in this game is (painfully) realistic. I also absolutely love Juliet's shirt. Unless I am mistaken, I believe that is a Sims original. I'm just barely starting to add CC to the game. 

Here are Juliet's stats now that she is a teen:

Knowledge: Nerd Brain

Monday, September 22, 2014

Chapter Four: Juliet Child

Juliet was officially a child.

She also found her perfect book-loving friend, Sawyer. 

She especially enjoyed bossing him around.

They instantly became inseparable. 

Back at home, Carly was pregnant again. 

Milan and Carly were the perfect couple. 

She again managed to wear the same outfit through all 3 trimesters. 

Although, this time Carly opted to have the baby at the hospital. 

She brought back a little bundle of joy...Romeo.



Please disregard my previous comments about how cute the babies are in TS4. Though I do love the monkey onsie.

If it seems like this legacy is moving at a very fast pace, it is because someone (I'm not naming names) keeps forgetting to take screenshots. *Embarrassed* 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chapter Three: Jobs and I Do!

To pair well with her art lover trait, Carly joined the painter career and slowly started making her way up the ranks. 

Milan, on the other hand, desired to become a master mixologist. 

With their careers underway, and their new family already started, Carly and Milan finally said their 'I Dos.' 

Cue the mandatory wedding pictures! 



Better late than never! These are Milan's traits. 

This was a short chapter, but I feel like I skipped the whole 'getting a job' part. To be honest, it was very uneventful. 

The next chapter will include Juliet's child years (since there are no toddlers *sad face*).

Also, Carly sure made a beautiful bride! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Chapter Two: First Ties

Love was in the air.

Carly had her first official boyfriend.

Meet Milan.

Even though she wasn't in her best attire at the time (or mood) Carly wasted no time proposing to her new-found love. 

Milan moved in and increased the household fund significantly.

They were able to expand quite nicely. 

Though they didn't wait for their wedding day to christen their new home. 

Carly confirmed her pregnancy symptoms with a pee test. 

Every day her stomach expanded. 

She was also extremely excited to break the news to Milan. (Let's be honest, it probably wasn't a surprise.)

Carly wasn't a big fan of the frequent (and in the middle of the night) bathroom breaks. 

While Milan had the usual father freak out when Carly went into labor. 

After some intense facial expressions...

...a baby girl was born.

Welcome to the world Juliet Carlson.



This is no Sims 3 but I am having a ton of fun with my first family. Look how adorable the babies are! I love her little onsie! Also, my Sim has the option to breastfeed. 

There are way more baby actions available. Although I dislike how I can't see the stats. Regardless, babies are still difficult. They also give me the temptation to Google cheats. So far I've excelled at resisting :)